Let's celebrate!

Searching for a special gift to a special person could be a tricky thing. Let it be something you like to give as well. At Fine Little Day you will always find a carefully curated selection of crafts, ceramics, textiles and posters from independent artists that become a long lasting gift with meaning. Find the gift you are looking for in our gift guides, whether it is a spontaneous treat for a good friend or the perfect gift for a special occasion.

Mors Dag - May 26

The last Sunday in May is Swedish Mother's Day, and of course we take the opportunity to celebrate all fantastic mothers a little extra.

Gifts for graduation

Everyone deserves to be celebrated after achieving an academic milestone. 

Gifts for the gardener

A curated list of unique gifts for garden lovers.

Gifts for wild swimmers

Check out our selection of beautiful ocean-themed gifts.


Get a friend, teacher or co-worker a gift they enjoy without having to break your gift-spending budget.

Gifts for kids

A gift guide with creative, design-forward gifts for the young ones.

Wish to get an item wrapped as a gift?

Send an email to hej@finelittleday.com after placed order with the products you want to get gift wrapped and we will sort it out.