Brian McHenry

Brian McHenry is an artist from Ireland who is not classically trained, but who works with the greatest respect for art. He draws his way, processes emotions and life-determining events with the pen as a tool. A person and an artistry that touched us deeply.

Brian McHenry 1 - Fine Little Day

We are drawn to art and artists that resonate and spark our curiosity. That is exactly how we felt about Brian’s art. When we called Brian and had our first conversation about working together, we were struck by his humble personality and the way he expressed his gratitude for art. It was a reminder of how important art and making art are. They help us reflect and process our reality, they develop societies and us as human beings.

Scroll down to read a conversation with Brian and discover his posters for Fine Little Day.

What early influences from your childhood or your environment do you remember that influenced you as an artist? e
The earliest experience was with my mum and her patience as she sat with me and helped me draw. She was very talented artistically but had to leave school at 14 and so never really had the opportunity to pursue her talent. I was always fascinated by watching her draw and that amazement of watching someone else draw and realising that I could do it myself has never left me. It was pure magic for me, and I still am! In a world that is so fleeting and full of losses, creating something that didn't exist before is something extraordinary.
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Brian McHenry Portrait - Fine Little Day
Brian McHenry 2 - Fine Little Day